The consultation is now closed

We would like to thank everyone who has already submitted their response to the Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 Consultation and to those who attended the sessions in the village hall to discuss the process.

The deadline for responding to this Consultation is:

Midnight on Sunday18 February

If you haven’t already responded, we hope that you will do so via the Neighbourhood Plan website at, or

you can view or download a copy of the plan by following this link …

Preston Parish Neighbourhood Plan

… and respond with any comments (or express your support) using the form by following this link:

‘Regulation 14’ Consultation form

If you have any questions about the plan or need help responding you can contact us by phone: 01462 434403 (line open daily 9 am to 8 pm) or via the Contact the Steering Group form on our website.

Please note that replies received after the deadline cannot be considered.

Kind regards
The Steering Group


Please share this information with anyone you know who might not be on the e-mail list and is living in Preston.