What steps are required to formulate a Neighbourhood Plan?

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  • The formation of a community based steering group, instigated by the Parish Council.
  • A Designated Area approved by NHDC.
  • A Community Survey
  • A Character Assessment
  • Working parties, organised by the Steering Group

Once all the information and evidence has been collected, the aims and objectives are defined and the plan is written and rewritten until a final one is reached and approved by the Parish Council

The Regulation 14 Consultation is the next step, a statutory process which involves a 6 week consultation within the community and a list of consultees provided by the Government.

The background documents go to NHDC, then the Plan is examined to see if it meets legislation. If it is agreed, NHDC have to accept it and it goes to a community referendum. Once it is agreed, NHDC must apply it to any proposed development.