Preston Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting – 16 October 2017

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Location of Meeting: Rose Cottage

Attending: Diane Day, Malcolm Gomm, Fay Higgin, Liz Hunter, Margaret Trinder, Wally Steele


Next Action


Apologies for Absence

Rae Reynolds, Alexandra Higgin


Minutes from Meeting 29 August 2017

Accepted and signed as a true record of the meeting.


Matters Arising from Last Meeting

  • After HERC Meeting.WS DD EH  Flora/fauna descriptions (to be added).  Need to phrase carefully what we have so that we don’t quote information that comes from a confidential or restricted source.  Has the ecology within a Neighbourhood plan swayed an authority or developer not to go ahead? (Can AHAH answer this?)  Protection does already exist within the planning process.  We don’t know the age of the data researched by Jane C or HERC – would we be challenged on this?


Agree Objectives and 5.  Drop In Sessions Feedback

DDDD All ran through the draft Objectives and discussed in the light of the comments received from the Parish at the drop in sessions (Oct 2017) {DD updating, all to review by 31/10} – MT to type up comments and send to FH [received]MT FH.  Comments were incorporated/ objectives amended according to whether they were felt useful by the committee; those that were contrary to planning rules or outside the remit of a Neighbourhood Plan were not included, but a Text Box will be included in the NP capturing concerns that are outside the remit of the Plan eg aircraft noise.


Independent Consultants

Four quotes were sought –

Andrew Barr (£400 per day),

Jed Griffiths (£500 per day/40p per mile)

Donna Moles (£40/hr, £300 per day, 45p per mile – NB although lives in Bognor Regis)

Jacqueline Veater (£500 per day no mileage)

Decided on Jacqueline Veater as she has local experience, for example: in Braughing and Walkern plus she has helped Pirton Parish fight – successfully – against a development


Information from NHDC

MT reported that:-

Reg 14 – Consultation.  We undertake online only with one hardcopy needed.  It takes 6 weeks.  DD MT WSDo we need to buy in IT support?  How do we do this – DD MT WS will determine?

Reg 16 – Consultation.  NHDC pay.  It takes 6 weeks followed by Referendum.  Environmental assessment is issued at the same time.  No character assessment is necessary.



MTMT to finalise, having looked at what has been spent so far.

However need to apply for grant in October, for:

  • outside consultant (Jacqueline Veater)
  • IT help?
  • Design?  Perhaps 50 pages plus maps.  WSWS will undertake.


Web Content

Training offered to all by WS on this.


Preston Parish Puzzle Pages

WS suggested that this moves over the the Preston Trust/Preston Parish website.  Agreed.


Next Steps – by 31 October

DDDD – to make changes, then send round the draft.  Needs help with:  history, environmental info, heritage (listed buildings).

RRRR – to collate appendices

Implementation plan needs drafting (DD MTDD MT)

MTMT will look at Reg 14 and 16 plus matching policies to local plan

EHEH will look at Environment and HERC template

Section on Views – Should this stay?  AH has commented in the past that views are not covered in planning law.

‘Building Futures’ – MGMG to look at this and see how it relates to our draft.


Date of Next Meeting

9th November, 10am at Di Day’s.