Location of Meeting: The Village Hall
Attending: Diane Day, Fay Higgin, Liz Hunter, Malcolm Gomm, Margaret Trinder, Rae Reynolds, Wally Steele
Item | Next Action | |
1. |
Apologies for AbsenceAlexandra Higign |
2. |
Minutes from Meeting 16 October & 9 November 2017Accepted and signed as a true record of the meeting. |
3. |
Matters Arising from Last MeetingAlexandra Higgin tendered her resignation from the committee due to conflict of interest. The last tranche of the grant has now been received by the Parish Council. All other matters arising have been dealt with. |
4. |
Timescale UpdateReport from MT: Sunday 18 February: 23.59: Consultation closes Tuesday 20 February: Comments go to Independent Consultant Thursday 1 March: 2 p.m at St Martin’s Place: JV will present her recommendation to SG March 2nd – March 9: DD and MT will amend plan to take into account recommendations. Earlier if possible. March 9 – March 16: JV reviews plan for Reg 16. Signs off her work March 16 onwards: WS updates plan ready to go to NHDC – Word format. March 30: Grant finalised and end of grant return completed. March: Parish Council sign off plan. March / April: Plan to NHDC. They then take over. We then have to work to their timescales. Alongside: SEA screening has been sent out to Natural England, Historic England and the Environment Agency. The Consultation will end on 19 February. If they all agree, we need a letter from NHDC signing it off. Without it we cannot submit the Neighbourhood Plan. A meeting is arranged for Thursday 1 March at WS’s with independent consultant Jacqueline Veater. Once the plan has gone to North Herts District Council, we will meet only as necessary rather than every 2 months. |
5. |
Organise Telephone Line Coverage During Consultation Period; Lending of Hard CopiesRRRR will divert the phone calls to her mobile. She will co-ordinate answers to questions and organise the lending of hard copies of the Draft Plan. |
6. |
Marketing CampaignUp and running. Posters are up around the village.MT LHLH to brief the Village Newsletter deliverers as to what stage we’re at, to publicise the plan within the parish. Mention of the Reg 14 consultation will also go into the Parish newsletter. |
7. |
Next StepsCovered under timescale. |
8. |
AOBNone. |
9. |
Date of Next Meeting1st March 2018. Originally planned to coincide with meeting JV and postponed due to weather. |