Location of Meeting: St. Martin’s Place
Attending: Alexandra Higgin, Diane Day, Fay Higgin, Liz Hunter, Rae Reynolds, Margaret Trinder, Wally Steele
The initial part of the meeting was attended by Becky Lewis of Insight Foundation as she was presenting the initial findings from the parish survey to the NP Group. Further work is to be done on analysing some of the open questions and was approved. After Becky left the SG meeting business commenced.
Item | Next Action | |
1. |
Apologies for AbsenceNone Minutes from Meeting 11 February 2017Accepted and signed as a true record of the meeting. Matters Arising from Minutes of 11.1.17 meeting6. Other Info Gathering Proposed meeting with Claire Skeels – we need to get back to her with dates [subsequently arranged]. What do we want to gain from this meeting? Business – still ongoing. Asking them to contact the NP group. Security by Design – hold till after meeting with Claire Skeels. |
2. |
GrantsMy Community Grant Prof Fees £20 more than budgeted Printing £20 more than budgeted Courier £130 not budgeted for Flyers £400 MTFlyer with April Newsletter (invoice by Creamer’s to be paid for by NHDC in April) |
3. |
AOBPSMA Licence – have to pay for Land Registry Data. |
4. |
Date of Next MeetingAllEveryone to email RR with available dates.Subseqently set for 29.3.17. |