Preston Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting – 7 January 2020

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Date of Meeting 7 January 2020
Location of Meeting St. Martin’s Place
Attendees WS, RR, MT, DD, LH, FH, Jane Gomm (JG)
Item Next Action
1. Apologies for Absence


2. Minutes from Meeting 3 April 2018

Signed as a true record of the meeting.

3. Matters Arising from Last Meeting

See below

4. Referendum Information/Update

Awaiting confirmation from Claire Skeels, but it is looking like Thursday 5 March 2020.  The polling will take place in the Village Hall as usual for all referendums/general elections/council elections.

The NP needs a 50% vote in favour to carry the vote, there is no minimum number or threshold of number of voters necessary.

The Count:  both Pirton and Wymondley did theirs in their Village Halls; MT to request the Counting Officer to come to Preston (agreed by all).

5.  Publicity

Preston News Service – draft by MT to be circulated, plus this can also go in the Parish Newsletter and out to all on the Parish Council database.

Posters/flyers:  to feature a picture of the Green as per the Neighbourhood Plan.  Posters are to be A2 sized for green boards round the village, A4 for the pub, school notice board, Village Hall noticeboard.  Outside ones are to be laminated.

3 quotes for printing flyers:  Creamers, Bancroft Printing and Trio Graphics.  Voted to go with Creamers as they are competitive and WS works well with them.  £237.70 is available in a grant to spend on publicity; depending on printer quotes this will probably only stretch to one flyer not two.

1 x hard copy of Neighbourhood Plan to be held by Red Lion;

1 x loan copy (WS)

WS to investigate the cost of producing printed copies of the Neighbourhood Plan once it is made and, if appropriate, offer it for sale to local residents.

Any remaining funding will be used to keep the Neighbourhood Plan website functioning for as long as possible.



6. AOB


7. Date of Next Meeting

Agreed that we are unlikely to need another meeting between now and the referendum as we have the publicity planned and we will agree posters and fliers by email.