Preston Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting – 9 May 2017

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Location of Meeting: The Node

Attending: Wally Steele, Di Day, Fay Higgin, Rae Reynolds, Margaret Trinder, Liz Hunter

Item Next Action


Apologies for absence

Alexandra Higgin.


Minutes from meeting of 6.3.17

signed by chairman as representing a true record of the meeting.


Matters Arising from Minutes of 6.3.17 meeting

None or covered under agenda for this meeting.


Items Outstanding from Meeting with Clare Skeels

MT circulated round the group her copy of the “Waste of the Manor” plan which is kept by PPC. No one has had a response from Clare Skeels re the template for strategic environmental assessment, RR emailed a few days ago. MTMT to chase if no reply in a week. We have been advised to look at the Tatenhill character assessment, as a particularly successful example, also Mattishall.

AllSG need to investigate further individually:

  • Note the elements we need to move forward
  • Template is on the My Community website
  • LH to start to draft, with DD to supplement (identifying parts that our volunteers can do).


Survey Results Report Presentation

At the meeting Q&A, the feedback was positive. All reports have been delivered. The web update has been done.


Planning Next Steps

Ref: Discussion Notes produced by WS.

Check Rae’s planning document/timeline, which needs updating.

  • DD WSDD/WS to start getting a framework together
  • LHLH to start looking at character assessment framework
  • Grant spend date updated to 31 March 2018 (with a mx of £500 per day for NP examiner to do a health check). Application process takes about a month, so we need to apply in August.
  • NP Examiner fees to be paid for by Steering Group.
  • MTMT to ask Clare Skeels for how many days an Examiner will take. She will also ask Di Burleigh in Pirton. CPRE may also know.
Other Information Gathering

What can we get the volunteers to do?

What are our risks? Should we say why development should only be within the village boundary?

Should we discuss planning gain?

Other Consultations

Not many, as we haven’t been consulted by businesses, most are also residents in the village so may feel that they have had their say. Finished.

Landowners – decided against.

Supporting Discussion
WSWS may utilise Richard Woolfson for some assistance in setting up the discussion part on the website. Further drop-ins will be held as the document starts to evolve.

Timeline – RRRR will sit this within document in Basic Conditions statement.


Where next? What do people want and how do we achieve it? Build an empowerment model as per WS Discussion Notes.

HERC – need to go ahead and book in a meeting to discuss the environmental data held by them. LHLH to progress and arrange for June/July.


Web Tools

AllPlease use the web tools available rather than email!



Outline planning permission application for 1400 houses East of Luton has now been submitted. Everyone needs to respond.

It was decided a Neighbourhood Forum was not needed. A Neighbourhood Forum is only required in areas which do not have a Parish Council, therefore it is not applicable to us.


Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 15 June, 10am, at Offley Holes.