Date of Meeting | 15 June 2017 |
Location of Meeting | Offley Holes Farm |
Attendees | WS, RR, DD, MT, LH & FH |
Item | Next Action | |
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Apologies for AbsenceAH |
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Minutes from Meeting 9.5.17Signed as being an accurate record |
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Matters Arising from Last Meeting4. Claire Skeels – Strategic Environmental Assessment from NHDC now received. We will require one if:
Varying maps have been received that may be useful for the Plan eg conservation areas, listed buildings, SSSI, wildlife sites. 6. Planning Next Steps Use Volunteers to look up listed buildings with descriptions, sites of Scheduled Monuments, places of local wildlife value, SSSI. Jane Campbell is looking at SSSI’s and local wildlife. She will research and write description. Frances Drew – researching listed buildings and scheduled monuments. Deadline for both say beginning July. LH did see Keith Matthews in March and provided a list of Listed Buidings/Ancient Monuments. She willl be going to see the part-time historian at a later date. Other Consultations – WS to meet head of Primary School shortly and head of PHC plus nursery to discuss the Questionnaire report and results from it. However, there will be a joint letter from Preston Parish Council and the Head of the Primary to all parents asking them to park at the pub. Examiner fees – MT clarified that this is paid for by NHDC. Website – WS to talk to Richard Woolfson about being a ‘back up’ on the website. |
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Parish Council UpdateConcerns were raised with the Council about crime and anti-social behaviour after the questionnaire was sent out. The Preston Parish Council (PPC) has now asked for 30mph sign to be moved to the Preston Village sign on Gosmore/Hitchin Road to slow down those entering the village earlier. Regarding speed limits – MT has spoken to David Barnard about this, we have evidence of a requirement from the community that a lower speed limit is wanted in Chequers Lane and Back Lane. A request has been put in for these two, but it may take a long time. Drainage – Chequers Lane. Since the Castlefield houses have been built there has been sewage overflow affecting Templars Lane, Chequers Lane as far as Chequers Cottages (plus some areas with unpleasant smells). There is an underlying systemic problem here. PPC are keeping an eye on it and will follow up if needs be. |
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Planning Next StepsDDDD has done some research/notes – to circulate. WS, DDWS/DD to meet to come up with a structure to start the Plan, map out chapter headings and create a skeleton document – alongside objectives. Deadline – mid July ALLAll – to think about objectives based on questionnaire results, taking out what can go in the Plan. Not all things will be possible. Deadline – mid JulyNHDC Local Plan is now submitted, likely to be ‘made’ Autumn 2018. Outline Plan:-
Evidence gathering:
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AOBa) Grant application – what do we apply for? Needs to go in by August, spent by March 2018. WSWS researching what professional help we might need. To report back. b) Timescale – Skeleton/objectives by mid July. Information gathering by the end of August/early September. Research to be finished by then also. Start creating draft policies in mid Sept/early Oct. c) Grant – What do we want by the end of March, eg printing draft plan, professional fees. Drop in sessions – will need hard copies so all can see plans plus an electronic download being available. Final copy must be printed. d) ‘The Chilterns’ – LH has a good book on the area, re-reading for research. e) Preston Trust – CPRE talk in October with reference to Preston Parish to whole village. Should help with our research. [Arranged for Thursday 12 October 8pm Village Hall.] f) LHHerts Garden Trust – source of information (from LH, to follow) on specific areas. g) LHCopies of Nina Freebody’s articles on Preston (she was a historian) on now defunct Hertfordshire Countryside (magazine?). LH to collate and circulate. h) MTLandowners/estates – need to enquire what their management policies are where the land areas are significant in our Parish. Eg hedgerows, arable, coppicing (Defra Stewardship scheme). Tenants manage meadows/hedges/arable, with owners managing woodlands. C/F to next meeting. MT will talk to Clarks at Castle Farm.
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Date of Next MeetingSunday 23 July at 2pm. |