Location of Meeting: St. Martin’s Place
Attending: Wally Steele, Diane Day, Margaret Trinder, Liz Hunter, Fay Higgin
Item | Next Action | |
1. |
Apologies for AbsenceAlexandra Higgin, Rae Reynolds |
2. |
Minutes from Meeting 23 July 2017Agreed and signed. |
3. |
Matters Arising
4. |
HERC meetingLH, WS and Jane Campbell plus possibly RR to attend. Haven’t received an invoice yet. LHAgreed that LH will forward habitat and species data to Jane for information (to be kept confidential to Steering Group and not made publicly available). Meeting on 1/9/17. |
5. |
Grant ApplicationDeadline of 31/1/18 to be spent by 31/3. Can’t specify what we want to apply for yet. Estimate of 80 pages to be printed for draft plan. MTDoes it have to be printed or can it be online only? |
6. |
Drop In Sessions5 & 7 October.
7. |
Use of ConsultantsWS, MT, LH met with Donna Moles of Moles Consultancy. We need to seek 3 quotes for use of consultants, MTMT is following up with Pirton’s consultant and will also contact CPRE to ask if there is anyone they can recommend. What do we want the consultant to do? Undertake the ‘critical friend’ role. Landowners – MT had asked Claire Skeels whether we needed to consult landowners. We do. MTMT will write as the Parish Council representative on the SG, as a courtesy, after HERC meeting. MT to draft letter to local landowners. SHLAA – Only Castlefield site is included as the others failed the test. |
8. |
Draft of Neighbourhood PlanThe use of bullets to expand the vision statement was discussed. We will keep them for now. If we appoint a consultant as a ‘critical friend’ we may seek further guidance on the use of bullets here. DD, MTRevisions/additions are ongoing:Objectives Housing & Development P.8 Housing & Development Objectives
Heritage Objective 5 Heritage Needs writing, Action LH Transport Objective 1: …. transport. Objective 2: To support and encourage safe use of roads and paths for and by walkers, horse riders, cyclists and joggers. Policies Section 8 Amenities Re village shop etc. (in box) – is this the only section where we have items to acknowledge from the survey although they are out of scope of a Neighbourhood Plan. Consensus to keep as it is for now and consider format and if there are others as we look at policies. Residential extensions/infill need to go in Housing objectives. Check Local Plan also. Section 9 Housing & Development P.15, 9.13 and 9.14 wording by WS. Section 10 Environment Jane Campbell has written a descriptive paragraph that could be included here (to be circulated). |
9. |
AOBMalcolm Gomm has joined the Steering Group and we welcome him and look forward to working together. WSWebsite needs updating with Minutes from the SG meetings, also publicising the drop-in sessions. |
10. |
Date of Next Meeting2pm Monday 16th October at Rose Cottage |