Preston Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes Thursday 14 July

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Present: Diane Day (DD)

Fay Higgin (FH)

Liz Hunter (LH)

Rae Reynolds (RR)

Margaret Trinder (MT)

Wally Steele (WS)

Apologies for absence: Alexandra Higgin (It is noted that AH will only be able to attend meeting at weekends.)

Introduction: MT explained that, as Clerk to Parish Council, she was facilitating this meeting and taking the minutes. She reminded the group that the Neighbourhood Plan is a village initiative and that the steering group must take it forward.

Parish Council Liaison: DD will be the Parish Council representative and will report back to them at their meetings.

Skills list of Steering Group: This was discussed and amended. MT will circulate it.

Skills list of volunteers: This was also discussed and amended. MT will circulate it.

Officers: Chairman: WS was appointed

Vice Chair: DD was appointed

  • Clerk: FH was appointed

List of websites: MT provided a list of websites which may be helpful to the Steering Group

Grant information: MT provided information about grants with a website address. She informed the meeting that there are guidance notes available to download as a pdf document.

Banking: It was suggested that rather than open a bank account for a small amount of money and for what will hopefully be for a short length of time, we would ask the Parish Council if Neighbourhood Plan funds could be paid in and out of the Parish Council account. DD will ask this question at the next Parish Council meeting.

Start-up costs: It was also suggested that we ask the Parish Council if they would donate an amount to the Steering Group to be used as start-up costs until they have applied for and received grant funding. DD will ask this question at the next Parish Council meeting.

Items which this would fund are clerk’s expenses, newsletter inserts, possible data protection registration and website costs. Items such as questionnaires would have to be properly printed. Wally knows a local printer who would be able to do this. If grant funding has not been received by the time this is due to go out, it would have to be paid for from start-up costs.

Expertise: It was agreed that the Steering Group would compile a list of experts who could be approached for help at particular points during the development of the Neighbourhood Plan. This list would also include local people whose knowledge would be helpful. MT will start this list with names and associations which were mentioned at this meeting and circulate it. Once grant funding is available, it will be possible to pay for expert consultants, if necessary

Website: It was agreed that the group would start their own Neighbourhood Plan website which would include a link to Preston village website. There will be an enquiries link so that people can ask questions and the Steering Group will have a system of who responds to queries. An address might be: info@PrestonNP. Wally will look into the logistics and costs of setting up a website.

First Steps: The following items were listed as requiring action in the short term:

  • Constitution

  • Code of Conduct

  • Vision for Preston

  • Objectives of Neighbourhood Plan

  • Process

  • Questionnaire

  • Communication

It was agreed that some of the above items could be adapted from other Neighbourhood Plans. MT will contact Di Burleigh, Chair of Pirton’s steering group and ask if we can use some of their material and resources. She will also ask if it is possible to have an electronic copy of their questionnaire without the stamp saying sample only on each page.

DD will draft a constitution, a code of conduct and a vision and circulate them to the Steering Group for comment. LH will adapt the Pirton questionnaire and circulate it.

The village newsletter goes to every householder in the Parish so a flier will be produced to go with the September newsletter. FH will draft the text which will give background to Neighbourhood Planning, an update of where we are and asking for volunteers to contribute to the process. Residents will also be asked to send their email address so that they can receive further information. WS and Hugh Higgin will do the graphic design for this flier. MT will make enquires about data protection. MT will confirm how many copies are required and ask Doreen Sansom if she would like help in counting out the fliers into newsletter rounds. This will need to be completed and printed by Wednesday 24 August.

RR will produce a project plan which will include topics required, steps to achieve them and a timescale. This will be produced as an Excel spreadsheet for ease of manipulation.

MT will produce a contact list of Steering group members and will add Clare Skeels who is the contact for Neighbourhood Planning at NHDC.



  • To ask the Parish Council if they will manage the Steering group receipts and payments

  • To ask the Parish Council if they will allocate an amount from their account as start-up costs for the Steering group

  • To draft and circulate a Constitution, Code of Conduct and Vision


  • To draft the text for the insert in the September newsletter


  • To adapt and circulate the Pirton questionnaire


  • To produce a project plan spreadsheet


  • To update the Steering Group and volunteers skills list

  • To make enquiries about data protection for the Steering Group

  • To produce a list of names and associations who may be able to provide help on aspects of the plan

  • To contact Di Burleigh about using Pirton’s material and documents

  • To provide number of dwellings in the Parish for the newsletter and future use

  • To produce a contact list of Steering Group members

  • To produce a contact list of volunteers


  • To look into starting up a website

  • To produce the graphic design for the newsletter insert with Hugh Higgin to assist.

Date and time of next meeting: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 16 August at 2 p.m at St Martin’s Place, Church Lane.

The meeting closed at 12 noon.