Preston Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes Saturday 11 February 2017

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Open as a PDF document: Minutes of PNP 11 2 17


Date of Meeting:


Location of Meeting:

Fay Higgin’s


Wally Steele, Di Day, Fay Higgin, Rae Reynolds, Margaret Trinder, Alexandra Higgin





Apologies for absence
Liz Hunter

Minutes from meeting of 11.1.17; signed by chairman as representing a true record of the meeting.

Matters Arising from Minutes of 11.1.17 meeting
None or covered under agenda for this meeting.



MT has prepared a budget/costs/spend spreadsheet (circulated) to keep track of spend as it happens, plus will be keeping track of NHDC grant money. MT circulated claim forms to SG (Steering Group). MT has allocated spend vs. budget. RR/MT to contact volunteers (Questionnaire deliverers) to see whether they want to claim for any mileage. Documentation was submitted to NHDC for the grant by the deadline of 2.2.17. MT/DD to attend Southern Rural Committee meeting to detail claim. The funding will be available on 1.4.17 if the application is successful.


Second tranche of My Communities Grant claim need to be done by 1st October, spent by 31.12.17. The next application should be in by July to factor in processing delays and give maximum spend time. MT has requested a change to the grant to account for the £700 higher spend with Insight and reducing amounts elsewhere.




98.1% response rate (number of envelopes collected from households that accepted them). Only 3 envelopes outstanding as at 11.2.17. An excellent response rate.

a) Analysis cost – there is an increased cost due to additional work not accounted for in estimate. Becky is coding some topics as ‘hot topics’. WS to ask Becky how we can extract the data of non-analysed questions and what it might cost. Is there anything SG can do without compromising confidentiality.


b) Review Fieldwork – the questionnaires verified 156 households, including PHC as a single entity, 153 returned. Of occupied households 89% have taken part. Some declined. 22 young resident responses so far, estimated that possibly all except one young resident have replied.

 c) Drop-in sessions – went well.
d) Next steps – WS to update website and suggested a ‘thank you’ flyer to go with newsletter which will also manage expectations as to timescale of what’s next. MT to draft newsletter piece. RR to do flyer/update



News of Other Plans / Legal Update

AH said that the legal challenge to Minister’s statement is going ahead; she will keep up apprised of developments.

She has also been collating information on ‘what not to do’ when considering content for writing the Plan.

Sustainability part of the NP – AH can probably write this section later in the year, once the NHDC local plan Inspector has commented.



Project Plan / Timeline

RR/WS to bring up to date with what has taken place and predicted tasks. Once up to date, tasks are to be shared amongst SG and volunteers.



Other Information Gathering

  1. HERC – they offered a meeting to help us understand the environmental data they hold. Are there any other bodies that we should consult? RR to ask Claire Skeels.
  2. What else? History – ask Philip Wray as he has lots of info. We need to check that the listed buildings information is accurate. Task to be assigned an owner as plan brought up to date.



Involving Community

  1. Ask volunteers as to what they can do (allocated tasks). Approach individually. WS to circulate committee for comment and addition. After Becky’s data is back in in March, after a SG meeting, a meeting will be held to present the data to the community. Provisionally settled on Sunday 30th April, due to Easter and school holidays.
  2. Recruiting more volunteers – once we have identified tasks.
  3. Discussion capabilities with community – WS needs to think how this will be achieved.


Other Consultations

a) Businesses – WS to talk to Redmayne Bentley first and for this to help shape how we approach the others we know about. Need to involve schools including nursery.


b) Neighbours (residents, parishes). FH to speak to the owners of Hitchwood Barn [done], Beverley Bentley (MT).

c) Stakeholders – need to establish landowners’ holdings eg Boyle, Pilkington Estate, Taylors. Search Land Registry via Open Data or PSMA agreement. WS to follow up RR to establish list.

d) Local authority & County Council – covered.

e) Statutory Bodies eg Environment Agency, English Heritage, Natural England





f) Who else? Suggested Sports for England, Security by Design Officer (MT to email Heather PCSO), Preston Cricket Club, Red Lion pub (may come under businesses?), Preston Trust, Preston Village Society, Village Hall Committee, Friends of St Martins Church, Neighbourhood Watch  MT


Next Steps

a) Becky to report back to committee with findings

b) 2nd March present to SE Rural Committee re NHDC grant application  MT/DD
c) Date for SG meeting

d) Date for Village meeting & venue. Suggested 30th April


Date of Next Meeting

Not fixed as yet, awaiting Becky.

Grant Application Draft List of Items


  • Data Protection £42.58 (£35 plus VAT?)
  • Data analysis
  1. Insight Foundation & W3D = £3,440 including VAT
  • Quotes for Printing
    • Flyers
    • Questionnaires – Individual, Youth, Under 10’s Info Sheet
  • Mileage rates, @ 45p per mile
  • Land Registry Fees
  • Hiring of Village Hall
  • Expenses for stationary and printing of “project documentation” say £200?

Total applied for: £5,088 (exc VAT)


  • Printing of A3 Flyers


  • Cost of flyers