Quality of Life
Policy QL1: Social Interaction:
Development proposals for cultural, leisure, sport or commercial activities will be supported where they improve, maintain or make alternative provision for social interaction.
See also Policy AF1 and Policy AF2
Policy QL2: Community Quality of Life:
Development proposals should ensure that development will not have any unacceptable and adverse effect on access to clean air, water and open spaces. Development proposals will only be supported where their design and layout does not cause an unacceptable increase to the risk of exposure to toxic substances, adverse effects on wildlife and natural resources. Where appropriate to the scale and nature of the development concerned, crime prevention measures should be incorporated into the design and layout of the proposal.
See also Policies EH3, EH4, EH6, EH7 and EH8
Policy QL3: Local Distinctiveness:
The architecture of, and landscaping schemes in, all new developments should preserve and where possible enhance heritage assets, historic features, and rural character, thereby promoting community identity and preserving local distinctiveness.
See also Policies HD9, HD10, EH1, EH2, EH7
Amenities and Facilities
Policy AF1: New and Improved Community Facilities:
Proposals for new or improved community facilities will be supported unless any adverse impacts would significantly outweigh the benefits. Improvements should improve accessibility for children, the elderly and those with disabilities.
See also Community Rights paragraphs A & B
Policy AF2: Community Facility Change of Use:
Proposals for a change of use of an existing community facility to a non-community use will not be supported unless either:
- The facility will be (or has been) replaced by an equivalent or better community facility; or
- It can be shown that the existing community use is not viable and no alternative community use is viable.
Proposals for a change of use of part of an existing dwelling to provide a community facility or village shop will be supported providing it is consistent with the other policies.
See also Policy QL1
Policy AF3: Home-based and Small Businesses:
Insofar as planning permission is required, proposals for the change of use of all or part of a dwelling for home office use or a craft/artisan workshop, will be supported, subject to satisfying considerations in relation to design and car parking and other policies in this plan which protect the amenities of neighbours.
See also Policies HD6, HD9, TC1
Housing and Development
Policy HD1: Residential Development:
The Plan defines a settlement boundary for Preston Village, see map on page 35. Proposals for residential development within the settlement boundary will be supported subject to the following criteria:
- Their height, scale and massing reflect the character of the village and its rural setting;
- Within the conservation area they preserve or enhance its special architectural or historic interest;
- Their density and layout take account of other buildings in their immediate locality; and
- They incorporate vernacular materials and characteristic design features found within the village as appropriate to their scale and location within the village.
Development proposals outside the settlement boundary will only be supported where they comply with national and local policies for development in the countryside.
See also policy HD4
Policy HD2: Pedestrian Links and Rights of Way:
New development proposals will be supported where they maintain the existing network and provide publicly accessible links from the development to the wider footpath network.
Policy HD3: Housing Types:
Proposals for new homes should demonstrate the way in which they would address local housing needs. Proposals for or which include, two- and three-bedroom houses suitable for families, local people and first-time buyers will be supported.
See also Community Rights paragraphs A, B & C
Policy HD4: Tenure of Housing:
Development proposals for new dwellings should deliver a mix of homes, including an element of social and affordable housing, which takes account of the most up to date study of housing needs in the neighbourhood area.
See also Community Rights paragraphs A, B & C
Policy HD5: Sustainability and Energy Efficiency:
Proposals for the provision of measures for water conservation and landscape schemes that improve biodiversity will be encouraged. Proposals with a low carbon footprint will be encouraged. The provision of electric car charging points for all new homes will also be supported as will proposals that enable residents to work from home. Prior to occupation, each residential property shall incorporate an Electric Vehicle (EV) ready, domestic charging point.
Policy HD6: Design:
New housing schemes should be designed to incorporate appropriate storage facilities for refuse bins, bicycles and mobility scooters. They should also provide a minimum of 1 secure, covered cycle parking space per new residential unit.
Policy HD7: Gardens:
Proposals for new homes should incorporate the provision of a private garden of a size proportionate to the size of the house concerned. The provision of shared gardens will be supported where they relate to housing for the elderly in general, and for sheltered housing schemes in particular.
Policy HD8: Flood Risk and Drainage Provisions:
Development proposals in locations at the highest risk of flooding will not be supported. Where any development proposal can be demonstrated to be necessary in such areas the development should be made safe for its lifetime without increasing the risk of flooding elsewhere.
In other parts of the neighbourhood area beyond the locations at the highest risk of flooding, development proposals will be supported where they do not increase flood risk elsewhere in the neighbourhood area, and within Castlefield, Templars Lane, Chequers Lane, Church Lane and Butchers Lane in particular.
Major developments should incorporate sustainable drainage systems within their design and layout unless there is clear evidence that this would not be appropriate either within the neighbourhood area or on the site concerned.
See also Policy QL2
Policy HD9: Residential Extensions:
Residential extensions will be supported where they are sympathetic to the scale, form and design of the original building and do not have an adverse impact on the street scene.
Materials used should be complementary to the original building and the pitch and form of the roof should conform to the original building and local character. The privacy, daylight, sunlight and outlook of adjoining residents must be safeguarded. Rear extensions must not dominate and floor levels must be well related to adjoining properties.
The dwelling must continue to meet the parking standards of Policy TC1 by providing a minimum of 2 off road parking spaces for dwellings up to 3 bedrooms and a minimum of 3 parking spaces for 4+ bedrooms.
See also Policy TC1
Policy HD10: New Housing Development:
New dwellings will be supported where the proposal maintains and contributes to the local character of Preston. Development schemes should be designed in such a way that the green spaces and green lanes of the village are protected and landscaped appropriately. New access arrangements should be safe and take account of the character of the rural lanes in the parish.
Environment and Heritage
Policy EH1: Village Boundary, Rural Character and Setting:
Development proposals should retain a clear visual separation between Preston and nearby villages and settlements. In addition, they should ensure that the open countryside, woodlands, hedgerows and green corridors are protected and, where practicable, enhanced. Development proposals which would unacceptably impact on these environmental assets will not be supported.
See also Policy QL3
Policy EH2: Conservation Areas and Heritage Assets:
All development proposals, including new build, must demonstrate how the particular environment of Preston has been taken into account during conception and evolution of the design. Proposals that do not positively contribute to the local character must explain why and demonstrate the reasons behind the alternative approach.
All development within a conservation area and within the setting of other designated and non-designated heritage assets must take account of the historic fabric of these areas and conserve, and where appropriate enhance, their character and appearance.
Proposals should provide a statement containing an appropriate level of detail for the importance of the asset, including:
- The significance of any heritage asset(s) affected
- Any adverse impacts the development may have on the asset(s) and their setting and any proposed mitigation measures
- How it will contribute to the character and setting of the relevant heritage asset(s)
- Where a site on which development is proposed includes or has the potential to include heritage assets with archaeological interest, local planning authorities should require developers to submit an appropriate desk-based assessment undertaken by an appropriately qualified specialist so that the impact of the proposed development on the significance of the heritage assets can be assessed and, where necessary, carry out a field evaluation.
- The design of any new build should have regard to prevailing scale, massing and density of properties in the Conservation area and be in harmony with the character of the location in which it is being constructed. Materials used should be complementary and similar to neighbouring properties.
Policy EH3: Open and Green Spaces:
New development should not have an unacceptable negative impact on the uses and functions of existing green infrastructure (i.e. all types of green space, large or small, public or private) within the village and wider parish. Where it is demonstrated through assessment that a development will have a detrimental impact on the quantity or function of existing green infrastructure, then the development will not be supported unless replacement provision is made that is of equal or greater value than that which will be lost through development. Development that fails to exploit opportunities to incorporate green infrastructure will not be supported.
Where appropriate to their location and scale proposals for new development should incorporate green infrastructure to provide permeability for wildlife through and around the development. Green infrastructure should be connective and functional as wildlife habitat in its own right not just as a link between habitats. Development that would result in the loss or deterioration of irreplaceable habitats (such as ancient woodland and ancient or veteran trees), will not be supported unless there are wholly exceptional reasons and a suitable compensation strategy is incorporated within the wider proposal.
Policy EH4: Local Green Spaces:
The following areas, as shown in Appendix C, of this Neighbourhood Plan are designated as Local Green Spaces. Proposals for development on a Local Green Space will not be supported except in very special circumstances.
- Recreation Ground
- Verge against PHC Wall, including Village Pond
- Verge between Preston House and the Village Green
- The Village Green and Well
- Verges along Crunnells Green
- Church Meadow
- Chiltern Way Extension Footpath
Policy EH5: Tranquillity and Dark Skies:
Proposals for development should respect the tranquil character of the neighbourhood area. Proposals which would generate an unacceptable detrimental impact on its tranquillity through noise, generated traffic or light pollution will not be supported.
Policy EH6: Views and Vistas:
The Plan identifies a series of key views and vistas as listed below and shown on Map on page 65
- Pinnacle Hill and Chalk Hill
- The Downs
- Pinnacle Hill
- West of Dead Woman’s Lane
- Village Green
- Towards Preston Hills
- From Tatmore Hills towards Temple End
- Kings Hill / Wain Wood
- Across the fields towards Wain Wood
- Recreation Ground
- Towards Temple Dinsley
- Towards Ladygrove
Where appropriate, development proposals should safeguard, respect and where practicable enhance the identified key views and vistas through their location, design, scale, height and massing.
Where the proposed development would have an impact on any identified key view the planning application concerned should be accompanied by a landscape and visual impact assessment that is proportionate to the scale of the development proposed. Any such development proposals will only be supported where appropriate mitigation measures are incorporated within their design. Development proposals which would have an unacceptable impact on any identified key view will not be supported.
Policy EH7: Protecting and Enhancing the Local and Natural Environment:
Development proposals should maintain and where practicable enhance the elements of the natural environment as identified in Appendix C2 (pages 68 to 84). Where appropriate development proposals should also incorporate measures to ensure their connectivity to the wider habitats in the neighbourhood area.
Where significant harm to biodiversity arising from a proposed development cannot be avoided, adequately mitigated or as a last resort compensated for, any such proposals will not be supported.
Policy EH8: Hedgerows, Trees and Verges:
Where appropriate and relevant to the site concerned development proposals should retain and maintain existing trees and hedgerows within the site and along its boundaries. If their removal is necessary, they should be replaced in an appropriate location with trees of no less arboriculture or amenity value.
Where the boundary of a new development has existing hedgerows and trees these should be protected to give it a green and soft edge, with additional landscaping and planting to minimise the visual impact of the new development. Landscaping should be incorporated in the design of all new development to mitigate the visual impact of development and ensure that the development is sensitively incorporated into the existing village context. Landscaping schemes should include predominately native species.
Transport and Communication
Policy TC1: Safe and Sustainable Transport:
Residential and community development proposals will be supported where amenities in the village can be readily and safely accessed by pedestrians and cyclists. In addition development proposals should conform to the following criteria:
- development proposals should not generate an unacceptable increase in traffic volume and movements within or through the village and
- development proposals should not generate unacceptable highway safety risks and
- development proposals should provide a minimum of 2 off-road parking spaces per new residential unit with 2-3 bedrooms and a minimum of 3 parking spaces for 4+ bedroom residential units.
See also Policy HD2 and Policy EH8
Policy TC2: Broadband and Mobile Coverage:
Provision of facilities to support the delivery of efficient and effective landline, broadband and mobile coverage throughout the parish will be supported provided they are sensitively designed and located in accord with other policies in this Plan.
Community Rights
There are four Community Rights contained within the Localism Act that came into effect in 2012 devolving power from government to communities, local authorities and individuals. They are the right to bid, to build, to challenge and to reclaim land. Three of these four may be employed by the Parish Council, individuals and parish organisations in support of the other policies in this Plan.
A) Community Right to Bid:
In the event that a building or land that the parish wish to preserve or use for a purpose or venture which supports one or more of the Objectives in this Plan, then this right may be used to “pause” the sale while the community attempt to raise funding to bid to acquire the land or building. For example: if a community led project develops a business model for a village store, the premises for the store may be acquired through this process.
In order for this part of the Localism Act to be used, the land or building must first have been added to the List of Assets of Community Value (ACV) held by the District Council. The assessment of possible land or buildings that could be ACVs has been added to the Project List.
B) Community Right to Build:
Combined with other rights, this right may be used to ensure that any development within the parish is consistent with the needs and wants identified in the Neighbourhood Plan Survey 2017 and any subsequent consultations. It would involve the community carrying out the building project and may, for example, ensure that a development meets the community requirements for a mix of housing and affordability or provides a new village hall.
C) Community Right to Reclaim Land:
If the local authority is not developing land designated for some development, rather than use the Community Right to Bid the community may instead reclaim the land to use for community led housing or other community facilities.