Location of Meeting: Wildwood, Church Lane
Attending: Wally Steele, Rae Reynolds, Margaret Trinder, Diane Day, Liz Hunter, Alexandra Higgin, Fay Higgin
Item | Next Action | |
1. |
Apologies for AbsenceNone |
2. |
Minutes from Meeting 15 June 2017Accepted and signed as a true record of the meeting. |
3. |
Matters Arising from Last MeetingJane Campbell has sent information on SSSI via email. Frances Drew has sent information on SSM (hard copy). Liz Hunter brought information on archaeology sites. Liz had not yet received information from Ian Carle or Alec Watcher for get together either here or in St Albans. WSSchools (ongoing), maps access (ongoing), professional help (Alex & Donna – ongoing) – WS. |
4. |
Remainder of Information Gathering(mostly covered under matters arising) AH reported on Local Plan update – if there are no problems it should take about a year, so ready Oct 18; with amendments it could take 6m – 3yrs. AH reminded the committee that we need to refer to the 1996 Plan (as this is Made) and cross-check with the emerging plan. AHWe need to ascertain whether a review needs to go out for a vote again? AH to investigate. AHAH spoke of attending a Neighbourhood Plan enquiry in Henley, the results of which are due in September. She will report back.As a committee we need to update the Parish as to the next steps (see No 7). AH reminded that every policy needs justification or evidence to support it, eg “we would like x because …. evidence in questionnaire said that ….” plus we need to adhere to actual planning policy in respect of the policies drafted. |
5. |
Web SiteMTAgreed that we would renew the web server contract/domain name for the coming year. |
6. |
Date of Next MeetingTues 29th Aug, 2pm at WS Drop In Sessions planned: Sat 7th Oct 10-12, Thurs 5th Oct (5-8pm) MTMT to book village hall. |
7. |
Next StepsOutcomes & Objectives re Policies
8. |
AOBNone |
9. |
Date of Next MeetingAs above. |